Sunday, June 17, 2012


It's been well over a week since I have blogged for many reason!  I was able to finish the school year at my job...woot woot!  We were also in the process of moving over to Central Oregon and with that, the hubby shut off my Internet a week early...oops!  But we're here...

Right now we will be staying at my mom's house in Black Butte and this is what my view is right great!!  So after working 12hours Thursday, 8 hours Friday and cleaning our house in Keizer for * hours (unmentionable) with my mom Saturday...the horses, two cats, dog and me have all made it over finally!  There was only a little howling last night at 11:00p on the drive over (from Jack the cat). 

So over the week the first story got a roof framed!

And here are our ponies all settled in...they were superstars with the transition!

Look at how strait that fence is!  My hubby worked so hard on it! 

I've been taking some pictures of the cute touches my mom has put into her cabin that we are staying at.  Postings to come...

Sweet & Simple.


  1. How did the roofing process go? Was the contractor able to finish it ahead of schedule? Anyway, I hope the house is finished by now and you finally get to move in.
    Jere Leach @ Yancey Home Improvements
